Play Your Virtual Console Games with the Wii Classic Controller
The Wii Classic Controller is a controller designed specifically for the Wii console. It takes the best bits from Nintendo's old consoles and blends them into a comfortable, easy to use controller. The new Classic Controller is really easy to set up. It has a wire that plugs right into the back of the Wii remote, and you're ready to go (just like the nunchuck controller).

The Classic Controller is used mainly to play Virtual Console games that you can buy and download from the Wii Shop. Virtual Console games are the classic games that were originally available on Nintendo's old consoles like the GameCube and the Nintendo 64. If you want to play Virtual Console games and you happen to have an old GameCube controller, this will work perfectly well with most Virtual Console games. The GameCube controller isn't wireless though, so you'll have to plug it directly into the Wii console instead of into the Wii remote. Besides the Virtual Console games, there are also a few regular Wii games that use the Classic Controller. A small picture of the Classic Controller can be found on the back of all games that can use this controller. While the Wii remote is a fantastic interactive controller, the games that came before the Wii can't use the Wii remote. Even though these old classics have been remade to play on the Wii as Virtual Console games, you'll need to buy the Classic Controller if you want to play them (if you don't have an old GameCube controller lying around of course).
From the Wii remote to the Wii Classic Controller, find all the best accessories from the Wii Accessories main page
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