Why Aren't You Using Your Wii to the Max?
You know its my mission to help turn your Wii into the ultimate entertainment system, right? Well, I've created a Nintendo Wii book that will show you how to - Play Free games legally on your Wii.
- Stream Free music legally onto your Wii console.
- Connect your Wii to the internet.
- Turn your Wii into the perfect home entertainment system.
- And more...
You can now download the book for free by filling in the form at the bottom of this page. As an added extra, you'll also get my free, Games Focus Newsletter once a month with reviews of the most popular, and the highest rated Wii games. I told you I was making it easy for you to max out your Wii console. Now my free book and newsletter do just that! After completing the form below, you'll receive an email asking you to confirm your email address. After confirming, you'll receive a link to download the Ebook.
